Thursday, September 11, 2008

My weightloss Plan

I've been trying to loose weight for the last 2 years....
What makes this different is that I really need t loose weight by november...
I have to present my public lecture and basically I have nothing to wear..
nothing fits me... even my self confidence is quite low right now...
And i'm having health problems lately... not anything serious...
but I am always sick... like once a month I usually got sick... kindda bad right...

I'll be trying to do the raw food diet...
stop smoking...
exercising more,....

Saturday, September 6, 2008

I am changing

Surprisingly, there are still things I want to do with my life. My bucket list. Only I'm not dying, at least not anytime soon. Just writing them seems increase the chances of likelihood that I may achieve them. But in order for this things to happen I need to change. Thus, I am changing.

1)Explore the world... I will need money to do this.. I am saving money... Increase my investments in mutual funds.. and decrease my expenses.
2)Skydiving... I will need money and find where to do this... Research on possible companies who offer this...
3)Multimillion or billion company... find where to invest... be good in business... waking up early and standing my on my own... need a plan for this...
4)Soulmate.... to find the one that makes life more interesting.... to have mutual understanding on a soul level...
5)Be healthy... loose some pounds, train for a marathon, have the killer abs... go vegan...respect mor for my body and mortality....
6)Find my spirit... be more spiritual... trusting myself... to ask the right questions... to know the purpose of it all...
7)Write... learn scriptwriting and be published....
8)Animator... to join pixar or any animation company... and create my own animated film....

basically, that's it.. I don't want to die alone and bitching about the life i could have had..

In short, my life

Who am I?
Really, I can bullshit you on how good my life is. Or would you choose to pity me on how my life sucks. Because either way, I can provide you a story of my life for either cases.

I have stories of triumph as well as defeat. So who am I? Am I the person that you would find on inspirational books. Or am I the person you would find on a tragic novel?

Cliche as it may sounds, my life is a journey. It is just a series of events really. I am neither strong nor weak. I am what I am for the time being. I am gray.